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Katherine and Grace

Katherine Loflin and her daughter Grace are residents of Cary, NC.  Katherine is from North Carolina and got her undergraduate degree at NC State University (Go Pack!).  After living in Miami for several years, Katherine and Grace returned to North Carolina to make a home in Cary.  Katherine has her PhD in Sociology and works in placemaking, a practice that capitalizes on a community's assets to create a place that increases its citizens happiness, health, and well-being.  Katherine has written a book, Place Match, that says that finding a place to live is much like finding a spouse or partner.  Katherine says that marriage to a place is very similar to marriage to a spouse, and therefore choosing a place to live should be taken as seriously as choosing a spouse.  By installing a Victory Garden, we hope to help create a place match for Katherine and Grace in their very own backyard. 

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